Overview The xlloop-finance.jar file works in combination with Excel applications and Xlloop-3.0.2.xll Excel add-in. Excel files are used as an inteface to display the result of the analysis. Application xlloop-finance.jar performs all calculations. The Xlloop-3.0.2.xll add-in is used to connect Excel with the xlloop-finance.jar application. Setup instructions 1. Copy the Xlloop-3.0.2.xll and Xlloop-3.0.2.ini files in a selected folder; 2. Copy the xlloop-finance-20171219.zip file in a selected folder and unzip it; 3. Open any of the working Excel files; 4. Add Xlloop-3.0.2.xll to the list of Excel add-ins. Go to "File> Options> Add-ins", then click "Go" button next to "Manage Add-ins" item at the bottom of the menu. Click "Browse" button and browse to the folder where the Xlloop-3.0.2.xll was saved. Select the Xlloop-3.0.2.xll file. The XLL-OOP name must appear in the list of add-ins. After the add-in was added in one Excel file, it becomes available in any other Excel file; 5. Close the Excel file and open it again. Wait until the Excel file is loaded. Note: loading of the Excel file may take some time (in practice approx 30sec) as it attempts to connect to xlloop-finance.jar which is not yet running; 6. Go to the folder where the xlloop-finance.zip was unzipped and click on xlloop-finance.bat to run the java application. The command line will open and "Listening on port 5001" message will be displayed; 7. Switch back to the Excel application which now shall be connected with xlloop-finance.jar and display the calculation results. Note 1 (important): currently Excel file must be always opened first prior to xlloop-finance.jar file is running. After at least one Excel file was open and is connected to xlloop-finance.jar, other Excel files can be opened; Note 2: If too many files are open and memory intensive calculations are performed, java may run out of memory. (Excel applications will slow down significantly in this case). In this case you need to restart xlloop-finance.jar application.