Java projects were build using java 1.8.0_40-b26 Java SE Runtime Environment (Java HotSpot (TM) 64-Bit Serer VM (build 25.40-b25 mixed mode)). In future java 1.8 builds will likely be replaced with newer java versions.

To start java server, run from the cmd line java -Xms512m -jar xlloop-finance.jar. The -Xms512m sets the java heap (memory) size used in calculations. The 512m value can be increased if larger heap size is required. (The default heap size is typically below 512m. Current executable jar file requires to use this parameter when executed or an out-of-memory error is thrown. Large heap size is required by docx4j project which is used to process MS office documents). For convenience a xlloop-finance.bat executable file is also included in the archive. It is recommended to run the bat executable to start the java server.

For developpers, java source files are also included below. The archive with the source files was created using apache-ant application. The build.xml files, used to create the source zip distributive and to unzip the distributive into java project workspace, are included below. The archive includes the following projects: jbridge; jkr; jbase; jmathkr; jeconkr; jlab; jtests. The project order corresponds to the dependency order between the projects. The list of all external libraries used in each project is described in the docx file included in the lib folder with the external jar files.