XLLoop is an addin, written in c++, that is used as a layer between Excel and java server. XLLoop is licensed under the Common Public License (CPL).

A short overview and description of configuration parameters is presented in xlloop-about (and is copied as a local link in xlloop-about (local)). The short guide lists configuration parameteres for the XLLoop configuration .ini file and provides a summary of servers implemented in different programming languages.

XLLoop Project Overview

The project source files are groupped into three folders: (i) common folder that include various utility classes such as converter class, log class, dictionary class, etc.; (ii) xll folder which includes the classes, which implement connection between Excel and java server (such as BinaryProtocol.cpp, HttpProtocol.cpp, and JasonCodec.cpp classes) and calsses that implement interaction between java and Excel (such as XLCodec.cpp, XLUtil.cpp, and SheetGenerator.cpp classes); and (iii) yajl folder which contains some supporting c code. The last folder is used a linked library in the original xlloop project. In the current project the yajl library source files were adde to the project and recompiled.

The project output is Xlloopkr.xll library. The project key library dependencies include xlcall32.lib and and java jdk1.8.0. The xlcall32.lib library should be obtained from Microsoft website (listed below) and java development kit (jdk) should be obtained from Oracle jdk1.8 download website (if it has not been installed). The path to the jdk folder is specified then in visual studio project "project properties>general>include directories" (for example as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_40\include; C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_40\include\win32;). Visual studio may complain about other missing libraries (such as, for example, winhttp.lib or winsock32.lib). You need to identify the library location in your system and link them to the visual studio project. The original project includes also msvcrt.lib in the project lib/ folder. The declaration of the exported functions is performed in the Xlloopkr.def file.

XLL Overview

XLL is a DLL-file that is created by C or C++ and then compiled with an interface that allows the functions to be access with XL via XL API. The xll library uses the xlcall32.lib library to interact with Excel and must implement the corresponding interface (export certain functions). (Simple dll libraries can be used within Excel but can't call back to Excel. Therefore they are one-way directional and can be used only from within Excel. The xll libraries can access Excel cells and use Excel data).

The static xlcall32.lib library is downloadable from Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Excel 2013 XLL SDK, which includes both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of this library. The process of enabling dlls to call back to Excel is described in this MSDN: creating XLLs overview and is summarized here.

Excel 2013 SDK

Excel 2013 SDK can be downloaded at Excel 2013 SDK: Excel 2013 XLL Software Development Kit. Note that the xlcall32.lib library should be updated whenever your system was updated. Otherwise the visual studio may fail to build the project.

Visual Studio Project Overview

The project was rebuild using Visual Studio 15. The list of project parameters is provided in this Visual Studio parameters file. The project must be linked to Microsoft SDK libraries (check C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows folder for installed SDK or download it from). After installation you may also need to add Microsot Foundation Classes (Control Panel->Programs and Features->Microsoft Visual Studio-> Change->Modify->Add Microsoft Foundation Classes).

Path to visual studio exe file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE

Xlloop addin execution logs: C:\Projects\java\data\jmc\excel\xlloop\log\xlloop-alexa.log. The file path is set in the xlloop .ini configuration file.

XLLoopkr.cpp methods

The list below summarizes the key methods of the XLLoopkr.cpp class.
  1. void InitializeSession(int index). Initialize a new session with the server. The method supports using user login / password for authorization on the server.

  2. bool InitProtocol(int index). Create a new protocol object: binary (BinaryProtocol) or html (HttpProtocol). Test conncetion using the protocol and, if there is no connection, then establish new connection with the server and create new sesion (by calling the above InitializeSession method).

  3. void RegisterFunctions(LPXLOPER xDLL, int index). Ask the server for a list of functions and register them (register function name, help, category, argument help, and other parameters).

  4. void RegisterServer(LPXLOPER xDLL, int index). Regsiter FSExecute and FSExecuteVolatile functions that allow to run server functions and then call RegisterFunctions method above to ask for server functions and regsiter them in Excel.

  5. void ParseProviders(char* providers). Regsiter each server if there are multiple server providers (??).

  6. Declare and export Excel functions. Seems like currently the addin allows to declare only 511 Excel functions (to be tested). If true, the number can be easily extended by adding the DECLARE_EXCEL_FUNCTION(number) code lines at the end of the Xlloopkr.cpp file
  7. .
Added modifications to the XLLoop code

The list below summarizes the changes tht were added to the main Xlloopkr.cpp class.
  1. Automatic start of the server.

  2. Registration of Excel functions.

Summary of Visul Studio Configuration

The developement steps can be summarized as follows:
  1. Identify your windows operating system (for example windows 8 or windows 10);

  2. Download Microsoft SDK consistent with you system (the SDK contains the libraries necessary to build the project)

  3. Download Microsoft Excel 2013 XLL SDK and retrieve xlcall32.lib library (x86 and x64 versions);

  4. Set up Visul Studio project configuration parameters (for a detailed list of parameters see Visual Studio configuration notes).

    1. Set up the paths to the Windows SDK library folders;

    2. Set up the path to the project library folders that contains xlcall32.lib library;

    3. Select project output as a dll library file;

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